Biyo dhacay secondary school

Sited in the vibrant city of Hargeisa, Somaliland, our design for a new school aimed to create a high-quality, climate-responsive educational facility that incorporates cultural and sports amenities. Inspired by the region’s unique climate, surrounding landscape, and local materiality, our design takes a fresh approach to form, texture, and scale. We sought to craft a harmonious balance between indoor and outdoor spaces, ensuring a comfortable experience for the school community.

To achieve this, we incorporated narrow windows and sun breakers to regulate the harsh sunlight during the day, creating comfortable classrooms. The building’s layout also features courtyards shaded by the structures themselves, providing a tranquil oasis for students. The colonnade on the ground floor serves as a connector between the courtyards and the adjacent playing field, fostering a sense of community and connectivity among students and faculty alike.


mr. Warsame Farah



Project Task

Architectural Design

Project Timeline


Project Area

30,000 m²

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